
Periodic Minerals: Galena

    Another periodic mineral post! Since the last one was realgar, an arsenic bearing mineral, I thought I'd continue the theme of toxic minerals with galena. Galena is a very dense lead sulfide mineral (the chemical formula is PbS) and is the primary ore mineral that is mined for lead. Typically associated with zinc minerals such as sphalerite (ZnS), lead has long been mined in the US since the colonial period, but today there are only  ten mines in the US that currently produce lead . Five of these are in Missouri (the Brushy Creek, Buick, Fletcher, Sweetwater, and Viburnum mines), two in Alaska (the Greens Creek and Red Dog mines), two in Idaho (the Galena and Lucky Friday mines), and one in Washington (the Pend Oreille mine). Although, there has been recent discussion in late 2018 to re-open the Bunker Hill Mine in Idaho. However, the Bunker Hill Mine is next door to the second-largest EPA Superfund site which houses the Bunker Hill smelter complex and tailing piles from the

Recommended Podcasts: The Dollop

If you're interested in podcasts related to geoscience, check out The Dollop . The Dollop is a history podcast hosted by two comedians where they discuss some odd topic, event, or person from history. Most of the episodes are about 40-70 minutes in length with a few that are longer. A few episodes relate to Earth science (with a brief synopsis): #60 - The Comet Panic Many terrible "scientific" studies and sensationalized news headlines caused some people to fear the return of Halley's Comet in 1910. #80 - Hollow Earth The bizarre pseduoscientific belief that the Earth is hollow was promoted by a guy named John Cleves Symmes Jr. in the early 1800s. #132 - The Bone Wars The bitter and longstanding feud between paleontologists Prof. Marsh and Prof. Cope during the 1870s to 1880s. #151 - The Oil Boomtowns of Texas The wild booms and busts of the late 1800s to early 1900s and the fight between private industry and government regulation. #235 - The Great Diamond Hoax

Recommended Podcasts: 99% Invisible

The podcast 99% Invisible delves into the stories of people, places, and objects that people tend to overlook. Many of these unusual topics are related to technology, architecture, history, and artwork, among several other fascinating subjects. It is a high quality, well-produced podcast done in a similar fashion to many NPR segments with each episode lasting about 30 to 45 minutes. I mention this because there are a few episodes that are related to Earth science: Making It Rain Past and present attempts to alter the weather from rain dances to geoengineering. The Vault The seed vault in northern Norway where plant seeds from around the world are stored in case of war, drought, or other national or international stress. Fire and Rain Past and present California wildfire prevention measures and their effectiveness. Welcome to Jurassic Art The changing perception of dinosaurs depicted in art from lumbering, lethargic reptiles to feathered, lively creatures. Crude Habit Re-purposin

Dolomite or Dolostone?

Geologists frequently use the term dolomite to describe both the mineral and the carbonate rock that is comprised of that same mineral. However, I find this to be unnecessarily confusing, especially since a clear distinction between calcite and limestone is recognized. So, I've dug up some history to the term dolomite . In 1768, Swedish natural scientist and “father of modern taxonomy”, Carl Linnaeus (later known as Carl von Linné), briefly described a type of rock he called marmor tardum , translated as slow marble . Marmor tardum , Linnaeus says, is a white marble that is as hard as quartz, but slowly effervesces potentially describing a dolomitized marble. Italian geologist, Giovanni Arduino, also described a marble in 1779 that has been considered to be dolomitized. However, it wasn’t until 1791 that a more complete description of dolomite was published by French geologist Déodat Gratet de Dolomieu, who described dolostones in the Alps (a region then called County Tyrol)

Periodic Minerals: Realgar

Realgar (red) with quartz and pyrite. I was thinking of periodically posting about some particular mineral, fossil, or rock (particularly when I don't have a topic to discuss), and I thought that realgar would make for a good mineral to discuss. Realgar is an arsenic sulfide mineral with the best chemical formula I've ever seen: AsS (sometimes written As 4 S 4 ). It's very soft ( hardness 1.5-2 ) with a brilliant red color and a resinous, greasy luster  and is associated with hydrothermal ore deposits. Several fantastic specimens of realgar come from Paloma, Peru (such as the one pictured). Interestingly, realgar reacts to sunlight. I don't understand exactly how this happens, but given some time in sunlight, it will alter to a yellow-orange mineral called pararealgar. So, if you collect a sample of realgar, keep it in a dark box or drawer. I didn't know about this when I got my sample (pictured), but I've been fortunate to not have enough space to displa

Odd Stratigraphic Names

The USGS has a great website for searching stratigraphic names and I've found some names that are a little different. I've listed some of the most interesting ones below. Note that many of these are from the western states, and there's a reason for that. Names of lithostratigraphic units (groups, formations, members, and beds) must named after a geographic locality, such as a county, town, river, or mountain, per the nomenclatorial rules set forth in the North American Stratigraphic Code . Many of the geographic localities in the eastern US are more puritanical, if you will, from early European settlers, while the western states settled in the mid- to late-nineteenth century were named more loosely. Also, note that not all of these names are currently in use, some of these names may have been abandoned in favor of another name(s) and others may have been proposed, but not formally accepted for one reason or another (e.g. it must have sufficient reason for naming the unit,

Strange Department of Energy Phrases

Today, I ran across this Slate article discussing a couple of very unusual phrases used in what would otherwise be a mundane US Department of Energy press release on liquified natural gas (LNG) exports. The first is in this sentence:  “Increasing export capacity from the Freeport LNG project is critical to spreading freedom gas throughout the world by giving America’s allies a diverse and affordable source of clean energy. ...” said U.S. Under Secretary of Energy Mark W. Menezes, who highlighted the approval at the Clean Energy Ministerial in Vancouver, Canada.  A senior US government official referred to a US natural gas product as "freedom gas". Take a look at this other quote by another senior official: "... With the U.S. in another year of record-setting natural gas production, I am pleased that the Department of Energy is doing what it can to promote an efficient regulatory system that allows for molecules of U.S. freedom to be exported to the world,” s

Arkansas River Flooding

Although the Arkansas River is currently flooding at historic proportions, Mike Grogan from Tulsa's KOTV News on 6 points out that the ongoing flooding is different from the flooding in 1986. Key points are (1) the weather systems contributing to the rains are different and (2) increased urbanization in the Tulsa metro over the last 30 years have increased the runoff potential causing more water to drain into the Arkansas River watershed instead of absorbing into vegetation and soil. Which is why proper city planning along rivers is critical, and to Tulsa's credit, the city has maintained parks along the riverside to allow area for flooding. However, the city did discuss plans for development along and near the river  over the last decade. But, with this flood, I hope that the city of Tulsa and its suburbs takes steps to ensure that the flood control systems are up to par and any improvements are dealt with before further large-scale river development continues. Image cre

Recent Starfish Fossil Finds

I very recently found what I believe to be two starfish fossils from the Wann Formation (Late Pennsylvanian age) in Oklahoma. At the locality I found these, the Wann is a bioturbated sandstone and shale formation, preserving several flute casts and burrows, and some plant debris. Interestingly, these starfish are preserved in sandstone and the paleocurrent is also preserved (lower left to upper right, following the striations in the upper specimen, and is also indicated by the orientation and slight splay of the starfish arms in the upper specimen). Below the Wann are the Iola and Chanute Formations, both of which are fossiliferous carbonate formations containing several mollusks and bryozoa. The third starfish in the above photo is a modern starfish included for reference. I can't help but think that these starfish must have been buried very rapidly, very near the shoreline, and were subject to wave action. As each wave receded, sediment was dragged from the shoreline into de

Hello World!

Welcome to Bearded Geology, an irregularly updated blog on geologic curiosities and happenstances that I encounter. My beard and I are both Ph.D. students and teach some geology labs. Included on the "Courses" page are extracurricular material for some of these labs. In the "My Bookshelf" page, I have a list of books that I have acquired (including a few I have yet to read) and am always looking for other interesting books related to geology.