
Showing posts with the label Social Media

Now on Twitter @BeardedGeology !!!

I've made the leap into expanding my social media footprint to Twitter! For blog updates and the occasional stray thought find me @BeardedGeology . An embedded Twitter timeline is temporarily available in the sidebar; just click on the dashed button at the top left corner of the page.

Twitter Follow: @YearOnEarth

Follow @YearOnEarth to get a sense of the entirety of Earth's geologic history as it is compacted into one year. The story of the Earth will begin soon. 01.01.2020 — Earth (@YearOnEarth) December 15, 2019 Last year, I honestly thought about doing this. Glad to see that great minds think alike!😁

Again, Ugh...Social Media

While doing some research for a new blog post, I took a break from writing by taking a trip over to Facebook again , and unfortunately found something else to write about: I've seen this image before and apparently it's making the rounds again. Based on what you see here, with no additional text or context given, is there any way that you can arrive to the same conclusion as the one given? I find that there is an absurd amount of information that is neglected, which prevents me from making any conclusions whatsoever. But firstly, what is this an image of? Photograph of Fort Denison, circa 1880s. (credit: Wikimedia /National Archives of Australia) This is Fort Denison on delightfully named Pinchgut Island in the Sydney Harbour of Australia. Originally built as a prison, and later converted into a fort to protect the harbor, Fort Denison still stands today well within eyesight of the famous Sydney Opera House and Sydney Harbour Bridge. I was not able to find the

Ugh....Social Media

On a rare occasion when I visit Facebook, I'll run across a post on my feed from someone who, for good humor or not, has shared an image, video, or link related to geoscience. Naturally, that makes me very happy and almost willing to comment on social media (I don't usually partake in many social media platforms and I try to keep my opinions on various matters personal). However, I have seen a few posts that are misleading or outright false that I will call out. One such is this image does raise an interesting question: No doubt that this image or variations of this image have been spread around on the Internet, and of course this is all in good humor. But, this is nevertheless poorly worded. Statement #1: "Those [countries] who use the Metric System" Firstly, "Metric System" doesn't need to be capitalized. Yeah, sure it's nitpicking, but I had to say it. Secondly, the US adopted the British system of measurements and altered them a bit to