
Showing posts with the label Podcasts

Recommended Podcasts: The Dollop

If you're interested in podcasts related to geoscience, check out The Dollop . The Dollop is a history podcast hosted by two comedians where they discuss some odd topic, event, or person from history. Most of the episodes are about 40-70 minutes in length with a few that are longer. A few episodes relate to Earth science (with a brief synopsis): #60 - The Comet Panic Many terrible "scientific" studies and sensationalized news headlines caused some people to fear the return of Halley's Comet in 1910. #80 - Hollow Earth The bizarre pseduoscientific belief that the Earth is hollow was promoted by a guy named John Cleves Symmes Jr. in the early 1800s. #132 - The Bone Wars The bitter and longstanding feud between paleontologists Prof. Marsh and Prof. Cope during the 1870s to 1880s. #151 - The Oil Boomtowns of Texas The wild booms and busts of the late 1800s to early 1900s and the fight between private industry and government regulation. #235 - The Great Diamond Hoax

Recommended Podcasts: 99% Invisible

The podcast 99% Invisible delves into the stories of people, places, and objects that people tend to overlook. Many of these unusual topics are related to technology, architecture, history, and artwork, among several other fascinating subjects. It is a high quality, well-produced podcast done in a similar fashion to many NPR segments with each episode lasting about 30 to 45 minutes. I mention this because there are a few episodes that are related to Earth science: Making It Rain Past and present attempts to alter the weather from rain dances to geoengineering. The Vault The seed vault in northern Norway where plant seeds from around the world are stored in case of war, drought, or other national or international stress. Fire and Rain Past and present California wildfire prevention measures and their effectiveness. Welcome to Jurassic Art The changing perception of dinosaurs depicted in art from lumbering, lethargic reptiles to feathered, lively creatures. Crude Habit Re-purposin